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We believe what we do within each ministry should flow purposefully out of what we value and love. We have a multitude of activities for you to find a place here to help you experience God.
We believe what we do within each ministry should flow purposefully out of what we value and love. We have a multitude of activities for you to find a place here to help you experience God.
We exist to equip, empower, and encourage men to live for God, by connecting with each other around God’s Word on a regular basis. Our mission is to honor Christ, strengthen our families, and build the Lord’s church.
We teach the spiritual application of being a Godly woman, presenting our bodies as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable unto God which, is our reasonable service to one another.
We offer a full range of activities for children and youth of all ages to experience Christ. At the Seed, children and youth participate in every aspect of our ministry.
Uses music to cultivate a spiritually filled worship experience through a praise team, Youth and Adult Choir, and band.
Provide ministry through the logistics and technical support that enables ministry programs and events to be executed efficiently and effectively.